In North America, we no longer ask for directions. Type your destination into Google’s “Get Directions” on your computer. A map magically appears. Your journey is laid out with a dark line, the distance and time all calculated. Some of us purchase a GPS system, and listen to “the voice”. “Turn left, drive three miles, turn right.” The voice even knows when you’ve missed a turn. Last summer, Tom and I chose to alter the path our GPS laid out. The voice was relentless. The tenth time it told us to “turn around at the next intersection,” we shut it off. These devices leave no room for independent thinking.
In just a few days, we will be stepping into 2011. Would it be helpful to have a GPS system or a Google map for life? I don’t think so. Life is not the shortest distance between two points. We may have our future carefully laid out, yet experience has taught us that there will be unexpected bends, forks, and obstacles in the road.
God has created us with a desire to discover and free will to make choices. God knows that we need much more than a GPS system or a Google map. God has given us the Bible, the experience of God’s people down through the centuries, and our Christian community. All of these provide guideposts for our daily living. Best of all, Jesus has promised to walk with us every step of the way. We are never alone. When we open ourselves to God, Jesus will comfort us and carry us through the twists and turns of life. Jesus is always within us nudging, pushing, strengthening, inspiring us to use our intellect and our faith for every step of life’s journey.
As you step into this New Year, I encourage you to remember Jesus’ words, “I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20)
Author, Storyteller and Inspirational Speaker
I've moved my blog to my new website at Please come find me there. I've added lots of new information.
Live Performance:
Hear Janet tell the story "The Last Shall be First" from her book Can I Hold Him?(Part One)
(Part Two)
Tips For Grace-Filled Living
Janet has a weekly column in the Millbrook Times titled Today's Faith. Once her reflections have been published in the paper, she posts them below.
Janet has a weekly column in the Millbrook Times titled Today's Faith. Once her reflections have been published in the paper, she posts them below.
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